ECEA FastKIDZ Hare Scrambles

ECEA Hare Scrambles - PeeWee/Youth

2025 Membership Registration

Message from Series: 

ECEA FastKIDZ Series Hare Scramble Number Registration System

REMEMBER You need a Current AMA - JOIN or RENEW

All racers NEED a Yearly Number to PRE ENTER or Sign UP for an ECEA FasKIDZ Hare Scramble.
EACH Division (PeeWee, Junior, Youth) requires that the rider will need a number $35 to get points in multi Division classes.

RENEW or apply for your Number prior to FEB 8 to reserve last years number, after Feb 8, ALL numbers go to first come, first serve.

Search for your name, if you are found click the ADD next to your name...
IF your are NEW and not found then select Add New Rider.


Select Class, Bike Brand.

NEXT use the PAY NOW button at bottom.

Fast KIDZ Riders are not required to be in a Club for the FastKIDZ Series Yearly Banquet Points.
But we encourage Parents to Join an ECEA Club or to Volunteer for a ECEA committee/event position to keep the series strong. The ECEA Series and FastKIDZ series are provided by ECEA Clubs and their memberships, joining a club keeps you informed and gives you a voice in the ECEA organization.

Youth Riders racing on Sunday will REQUIRE an Adult Number for Sundays.
School Girl, School Boy and C classes do not require a Club Membership ,AA, A, B Classes do require club membership for year end points.

Rider Search
Use any combination of the following search terms to find a rider:
Tip: Try just the first few letters of your first and last name.
AMA# First Name: Last Name:

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Event Scoring Systems

SessionID: uyorwggaljxvvhzz42cz44d2